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St. Patrick's Church's Social Ministries Offer Services to Society

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St. Patrick’s Catholic Church aims to bring people closer to Jesus, establish disciples, and send them across the world to transform society. In line with its vision, St. Patrick’s Church has multiple ministries, including Social Concern Ministries, which has several departments. For instance, Helping Hands brings the Holy Communion to the homebound (those unable to leave their houses because of illness, age, and injury) and prepares meals for those in need or who are going through various life challenges. The Helping Hands team also organizes a monthly luncheon for community members who are over 50 years of age.

The Hospitality team coordinates three major social parish events: Feast of Christ the King Pancake Breakfast, Pentecost Sunday Birthday Celebration, and St. Patrick’s Dinner Social. Hospitality also invites parishioners to assist in organizing fun social events. Other Social Concern Ministries include the St. Vincent DePaul Society (SVDP), which holds monthly meetings to brainstorm how to best cater to the corporal needs of Corte Madera-Larkspur residents. Society volunteers visit client homes and work collectively towards ending homelessness. Finally, Thrift Shop has coordinated fundraising activities to support both St. Patrick’s Church and School for close to three decades. Volunteers manage the shop, plan for donations, and warmly welcome customers.