Surfing is an exciting sport that allows participants to venture into the ocean and ride waves. However, beginner surfers often make common mistakes that can compromise their safety and the quality of their surfing experience. The following mistakes should be avoided when learning how to surf.
Failure to Understand Waves
All surfers need to learn how to read waves, including anticipating their patterns and how they break. Understanding waves helps surfers to properly position themselves and catch waves effectively. For beginners, it’s critical to understand the various types of waves, such as point breaks, reef breaks, and beach breaks. Surfers should also understand each specific wave’s characteristics.
Failure to Practice Board Control
Board control is a critical skill that beginner surfers are expected to master. New surfers need to be comfortable with their surfboards and understand how they respond to movements. To boost board control, beginners should practice the pop-up technique, which involves gradually moving from a lying position to a stable standing position.
Using the Wrong Board
New surfers should avoid the shortboards commonly used by experts. For beginners, it’s recommended to start on small waves on mid-lengths or longboards. Longer surfboards offer plenty of stability and are easier to catch waves on, due to their increased size and volume.